New England Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition

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Choosing an Enterprise Procurement System When You Can't Have It All - Michael Broderick

Choosing an Enterprise Procurement System When You Can't Have It All

by Michael K. Broderick

When enterprise growth results in dilution of supply management intelligence due to legacy systems at acquired business units; parallel but disconnected commodity supply chains; multiple processes towards invoice settlement, strategically aligning spend can seem impossible. When the practitioner gets the "green light" to assemble a project to upgrade the system how does one get started and, how can the team make decisions that simplify the process, add value to the organization and set the stage for a success that will raise executive confidence in the project team to increase the probability that successive projects will be funded.

Interpersonal relationships, outside expertise, differentiating the breakthrough opportunities from the candidates for gradual change are all critical elements of a successful contemporary system migration.

In this presentation developed in conjunction with an actual system decision and implementation Mike Broderick will relate essential project management processes and the trimming of scope that we may have to be willing to undertake to make an enterprise effort successful in a world in which time and financial resources are un-elastic. The presentation will include toolbox items that can be adapted to similar efforts.

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