New England Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition

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Going Green: Sustainability and the Future of Operations Management - Thomas Sloan

Going Green: Sustainability and the Future of Operations Management

by Thomas Sloan, Ph.D.

When most people hear the term "green" they think of things like hybrid automobiles and community recycling programs. But more and more companies are beginning to consider how their operations affect the environment and future generations. In addition, many environmentalists are beginning to acknowledge the importance of economic growth and prosperity. The phrase "sustainable development" has emerged to describe the philosophy and practice of doing business in a way that balances economic, environmental, and social needs.

In this talk, Dr. Sloan will address some key questions related to sustainability such as:

  • What is "sustainability" and "sustainable development?"
  • What role does sustainability play in supply chain management?
  • How does sustainability relate to out-sourcing and off-shoring?
  • How can university-industry collaboration promote sustainability?
  • How does sustainability relate to the New England economy?

The field of operations management has a vital role to play in the long-term sustainability of our economy. Likewise, the concept of sustainability may be the key to the long-term success and relevance of the OM profession. Companies seek tore duce the use of toxic substances, while increasing efficiency. Governments seek to reduce our reliance on petroleum and other non-renewable energy sources, while promoting growth. Societies seek to preserve opportunities for future generations, while providing jobs for the current generation. Who better to tackle these problems and meet these challenges than operations management professionals armed with systems-thinking and the other analytical tools of our trade?

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