New England Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition

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Creating a Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) Culture using the Theory Of Constraints (TOC), Lean and Six-Sigma

by Dale T. Houle

Money is often a company's most scarce resource; as such it is important to "maximize the return on improvement dollars." This recognition brings with it the need to have a CPI culture within the organization that is able to apply the appropriate improvement tools and methods where and when needed, while being able to clearly relate improvement efforts to bottom line outcomes. We will examine what it takes to create a CPI culture that is capable of maintaining an Enterprise Focus both in its application of CPI tools and methods and in the quantification of those efforts in terms of bottom line impact. This will include an overview of TOC Supply Chain and Manufacturing Principles, the roles that leadership, strategy and tactics, and measurements play in creating a CPI culture and the context in which CPI tools and methods, such as TOC, Lean and Six-Sigma can be effectively integrated in their application, so as to support Enterprise Focused CPI.

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