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Global Sourcing & Competitiveness in the 21st Century (Focus on China) - James Cunniff

Global Sourcing & Competitiveness in the 21st Century (Focus on China)

by James Cunniff, MBA

This presentation provides an overview of sourcing in China as it has evolved in recent years. How to determine when global sourcing is needed, what the financial benefits of sourcing might be, as well as some of the problems involved with sourcing at a great distance will be discussed. The need for an understanding of the history and culture of foreign countries will be discussed, using several examples. Defining an implementation strategy will be covered, along with the major issue of selecting how to get started will be discussed.

The presentation is appropriate for senior and mid-level managers who will be responsible for justifying the need for implementing a global sourcing program, as well as those individuals who will be responsible for defining and implementing an effective global sourcing program once the strategic decision has been made.

The presentation includes the following:

  • WHY COMPANIES HAVE IMPLEMENTED GLOBAL SOURCING. The stated reasons will vary among companies, but a common thread appears. Those companies providing both goods and services have recognized a need for a solution to significant cost and personnel problems.
  • WHAT THE VALUE OF GLOBAL SOURCING SHOULD BE. Learn what the costs and benefits of global sourcing should be. Learn why it is necessary to document the expected versus actual gains. Also, give serious consideration to China as a market.
  • THE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE HISTORY AND CULTURE OF A COUNTRY. The discussion will include the current political situation, particularly regarding Taiwan. Also, the need to understand your supplier's point of view as well as local restrictions will be discussed.
  • HOW TO GET STARTED. How to find a good supplier. Four common ways to get started in China will be discussed. The strengths and weaknesses of each will be discussed. This might be the most important decision to be made in implementing an effective foreign sourcing program.
  • ON-GOING PROGRAM MANAGEMENT. How to ensure continuing program success, considering both external and internal concerns.

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