New England Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition

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Program Management - Just the Basics Please!

by Linda Desmond

The need for Project Management is becoming more evident due the restructuring, downsizing and re-engineering currently occurring in the business world today. Being a successful project manager means practicing a consistent approach to better ensure that a project is completed on time, within budget, and with the promised customer quality.

Managing a contract is like managing a project. What is your role in the project team? How does contract management interface with the project? What can the project manager learn from you? What can you learn from the Project Manager?

In this overview session, you will be introduced to basic project management topics such as:

  • Organizational structure and relative power - where do you fit?
  • Stakeholders - who are they? How do you keep them in the loop (and happy)?
  • Planning for project success - what can the project team learn from you? and you from them?
  • So who really is the project manager?

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