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Supplier Certification: Partnering with Academics to Get It Right!

by Jim Limperis and Marilyn Pelosi

Jim Limperis, C.P.M., CFPIM, Corporate Account Manager at GTR Manufacturing Corp in Brockton, MA and Dr. Marilyn K. Pelosi, Professor of Business at Western New England College in Springfield, MA will address key elements of supplier certification from both a practitioner and academic perspective. Topics to be discussed include classroom case studies and as well as domestic and international visits to manufacturers from Dr. Pelosi's lectures at WNEC. Jim will offer insights and observations on key criteria in assessing a suppliers' capability from both a purchasing manager's perspective as well as a sales manager's vantage point. Come join this high-energy workshop to learn more about this critical sourcing tool which will offer insight from three vantage points: academia, supply chain and sales.

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